Images created by Andrew Lehoullier

2018 Best Student Presentations

2018 Best Platform:  A $1,000 award presented by David Fiefarek of SC Johnson, the corporate sponsor of the award for the platform presentation at the 2018 North America SETAC meeting in November.

  • First Place: Elizabeth Miller,  University of Wisconsin- Madison, WI.
  • Runner-Up: Amber White, Organic carbon and sulfide controls on methylmercury production and partitioning in sediment in a freshwater estuaryUniversity of Minnesota Duluth, MN.

2018 Best Poster Presentation:   A $1,000 award presented by  3M Corporation the sponsor of the award for the platform presentation at the 2018 North America SETAC meeting in November.

  • First Place:  Charlene Tilton, Development of a juveniles fathead minnow fin regeneration assay for use in evaluating  chemical involvement in fin regeneration impairment,, ORISE Research Participation Program, U.S. EPA, Duluth, MN (photo not available)
  • Runner-Up: Heidi Wirt Why Won’t They Eat?  Exploring the Impacts of Triclosan on Foraging Efficiency in Zebrafish Larvae. Undergraduate of Biology, La Crosse, WI.

